Monday, March 1, 2010

A Systematic approach through GQ Marketing

As an entrepreneurial company, GQ Marketing Sp. Z o.o can help you find ways to establish and to be successful in your business through direct marketing.
You might be bombarding your customer’s everyday with various kinds of marketing messages such as direct mail, email marketing, radio/TV advertising, billboards etc. But direct marketing addresses some of the biggest challenges in marketing a business. And, it helps you to get through the 'marketing noise'(marketing messages), and delivers you a high return on investment for what you spend on marketing.

When consumers are contacted with so many product choices in front of them, they seldom buy your product at first contact. But in fact, statistics show it can require more than nine contacts to make it sufficient to create trust in you to finally buy your product.
It is in here where systematic Direct Marketing works. It will deliver you immediate and sustainable sales results. GQ Marketing can guide you through the system with a targeted marketing approach for your business.

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